Privacy & GDPR Compliance

Protect personal data and business information on all fronts

Privacy & GDPR Compliance

Protect personal data and business information on all fronts

Secure attachment surfaces

Omicron Consulting combines its technological expertise with in-depth knowledge of the Privacy and GDPR fields to help companies protect information from potential cyber-attacks, comply with regulations, rules and control systems for adequate compliance and adopt security models compliant with the European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Safeguard and grow the business

In recent years, the strong acceleration of digitization has led cybersecurity to be a top priority in multiple industry sectors. The importance of proper handling and protection of personal data is now becoming more and more defined. As the information available to businesses grows at an infinite rate, the risks of data destruction, alteration, loss, disclosure and unavailability have never been more eminent. A badly executed procedure can generate sudden Data Breaches compromising the availability, integrity and confidentiality of personal data with negative consequences in terms of economy and brand reputation.

Specific consultancy and Dpo

Team ready to support you in managing and maintaining Compliance.

System Admin GDPR Expert

We take care of the security and protection of personal data, providing a Privacy team to support your business systems and processes.

Customized tools

AI-based protection technologies and constantly updated Threat and Vulnerability Monitoring System.

A global perspective not to be overlooked

In 2020, detected and successful attacks had a “high” and “critical” impact in 56% of cases; 44% were of “medium” severity. It is estimated that the global damage generated by this recent cyber escalation amounts to two times the Italian GDP, or more than 3,400 billion euros.

If we look at the phenomenon from this perspective, the issue of personal data processing and protection actually becomes the most urgent business imperative. As the attack surfaces increase, with new digital phenomena taking over today, the risks to corporate data security increase. Italy is one of the most targeted countries in the world in an increasingly complex threat landscape that is inexorably increasing its range of action.

of global attacks
of attacks since 2017 in Italy
of Italian companies affected

What does it mean to be GDPR compliant?

Being GDPR compliant means complying with the European legislation on the protection of personal data.

To achieve this goal, the company must adopt all the rules and procedures necessary to allow, through an adequate process of identification, measurement, management of the main risks, a healthy, correct and consistent with the business objectives.

The scenarios of incorrect compliance

Damage to image

A data breach or cyber attack highlights a security breach in the company’s data. Such events could cause a company to lose credibility and irreversibly compromise customer trust.

Guarantor Sanctions

Failure to comply with data protection regulations may result in intervention by the Privacy Authority. The sanctions that can be imposed can even reach 4% of the global company turnover.

Loss of revenue

AI-based protection technologies and constantly updated Threat and Vulnerability Monitoring System.

Is your company GDPR Compliant? 

Our team of privacy and GDPR experts have put together a series of questions to help you understand whether your business has taken all the necessary protective measures to reduce the risks of destruction, alteration, loss, disclosure and unavailability of data.

Request your consultation

Don’t hesitate to contact us to request a dedicated consultation.

Request your consultation.

Don’t hesitate to contact us to request a dedicated consultation.

Scheda Prodotto

Per la prima volta un software evoluto, che include funzioni forensi e di Cyber Security sviluppato completamente in Italia.

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Omicron Consulting è un azienda di consulenza specialistica nell’ambito dell’Information Technology da oltre 40 anni.

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